Friday, June 05, 2009

Pete Sessions Hates Babies

Okay, so that's inflammatory and ridiculous. But any politician stupid enough to allow this soundbyte on the airwaves deserves to be labeled a baby-hater just for plain political stupidity.

Maybe we oughta just tell people to stop fucking around and making babies while we're in this recession. Then, Sessions can quit worrying how we're gonna pay for the enormous economic cost of these pesky babies and their thoughtless, thoughtless mothers.

Federal Employees Closer to Paid Parental Leave


kel said...

thought you might like this...

JTB said...

Kel--caught the tail end of that story in the car yesterday, thanks for the link so I could hear all of it.

From what I can remember from the theology & economics course I audited last year at GTS, economists do take into account the factor of "limited information" but the presumption that people=rational actors is still operative.

Anonymous said...

This story is a little misleading. First, the military gives you 6 weeks paid leave for birth mothers. We had our first born while my husband was on active duty, and he used his saved leave time to take off two weeks. It sounds like this bill extends the paid leave not only to mothers, but all parents. That gets very expensive. Federal employees may not make as much as they would in the private sector, but they do have good health plans and generous leave policies. They don't mention that either. Sure it sounds great in theory, but how will this be paid for? My husband is currently a federal employee, so if this goes through, we'd benefit from this, but I would be against this, since it would add more burden to taxpayers who are having enough problems providing for the children they have.

JTB said...

Hi Karen,

I wasn't really trying to comment on the politics so much as I was just trying to express my dumbfoundedness at the's a terrible sound byte, and I guess I was just astounded at the lack of political judgment in voicing something that someone like me could come along and interpret as "Pete Sessions Hates Babies." Which of course I presume isn't really true. But the stupidity of saying something publicly that could be labeled that way--fairly or not, since that's the game--just made me shake my head in disbelief...