So, Brent's week is crazy, my week is crazy, and Clare is thankfully oblivious. Oh for the simplicity of a toddler's life, where the only major academic achievement on the agenda is mastery of the ABC song. Not that I'm belittling this. This is major stuff. That girl can memorize like nothing I've ever seen. I probably should get her started on the Gettysburg Address or something.
Crazy item #1: Bonus opportunity to collaborate with my favorite feminist theologian! On feminism and cyborgs and spirituality! Yay!
Crazy item #2: AAR deadline thankfully extended to March 1 but dreadful pain in the ass trying to make a paper proposal on transhumanism align with my interests in the posthuman.
Crazy item #3: AAR deadline basically simultaneous with ACU deadline for September lectureship class topics/titles/description. Theme for '08: Righteousness of God: Exploring Romans. (Rats! Why didn't I take that Jimmy Allen class years ago when I was at Harding?) Ah matter, I'm talking about cyborgs anyway. Don't believe me? Just wait. Assuming they don't take a look at my class titles and revoke the invite for reasons of sheer lunacy.
Crazy item #4: received my copies of the Leaven issue with the Canaanite woman sermon in it. Wow!
Crazy item #5: received word from the Christian Scholarship Foundation that they have renewed my grant for next year, and even more generously. Wow and wow again...and many, many thanks. It's not exaggerating to say that without this support, the dissertation would not be happening at all. I'd be waiting tables with Clare on my hip.
Summation: crazy GOOD. It's not only encouraging to have good work to do, but wildly affirming to hear an offer of collaboration, and be published, and of course, receive funding from people who have enough trust that what you're doing is worthwhile that they're willing to meet the bottom line for you.
I was reading Jimmy Allen's book on Romans when I discovered that Phoebe was a deacon. That sent me on a crazy journey that (years later) landed me in the Episcopal Church. If only Dr. Allen knew what he had caused.
See, that's why it's so dangerous to educate us women...We get, you know, ideas. :)
Seriously...that's a star in his heavenly crown, did he but know it. Awesome.
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