Sunday, August 19, 2007

not quite done, done, done

Favorite things about the new place so far:

kitchen storage is awesome
can hear the church bells ringing this morning
sleeping in our own bed again at last
it's bigger than I thought
the bathroom isn't pink tile from floor to ceiling

Things that suck about moving:

where the hell is that thing I wanted a minute ago but can't remember what it is now?
Clare doesn't sleep well in her new space (yet)
I'm handicapped in the furniture arranging department
having to search in boxes for clean underwear
no more dishwasher (sigh)

Miraculous things about moving:

where did all these people come from? oh yeah, CCfB rocks!
nothing got broken
nothing got left (that we wanted to bring...)
cat's calming down even though Clare's still not napping
we're in New York City!

Joe, Tom, Gilda, Hilary & Jeremiah, & Lucas--you are all marvelous people with an amazing capacity for carrying way too many heavy boxes of books. I am so humbled and grateful that you would spend your day working so hard just to help us out!


Casey. said...

Glad to hear the move went well, and that you had lots of help. I'm excited to have you in NYC.

Adam said...

some of us are EAGERLY waiting for photos or an update or...something...tell us about NYC!